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Ferret Health

Cunning and persistent, lively and gregarious, ferrets have become popular household pets. But owning a pet ferret is not always fun and games. They require just as much care and attention as a dog or a cat, as well as proper diet and adequate housing.

Common Health Concerns

Not everybody wants or needs a pedigree dog. That’s one of the reasons why mixed breed dogs have always been (and most likely will remain) so popular among dog lovers. These dogs are truly one-of-a-kind with individual markings, personalities and qualities all their own.

Arthritis & Obesity

When It Hurts to Move: Helping Your Arthritic Dog Cut the Fat Jenifer Merchant-Sullivan Sheba, a Labrador retriever/shepherd mix, started “filling out” when she was just two years old, but it wasn’t until she hit midlife that her owner realized the seriousness of Sheba’s gradual but continuous weight gain. At age seven, Sheba suffered a […]

6 Signs of Stress in Dogs

When a dog is anxious, she will often quickly stick out her tongue and lick her lips. It’s usually just a fast, little flick. Watch your dog; this is one of the most common sign.

Management of Feline Stress

From the late 20th century to the present, Stress has become a catchword of a generation. For humans, it has become a lifestyle – and indeed the amount we have to do, and the pressure we are under, are worn with pride as a statement of our importance. The cats with whom we share our […]

Common Feline Health Concerns

Mixed Breed Health Concerns Non-purebred cats are usually referred to as mixed breeds, but these cats are not “mutts” or mixes of different breeds. All of the characteristics found in purebreds are actually derived from mixed breed cats, which are actually the most authentic or “pure” breed. Historians now believe that all domesticated cats, which […]

Declawing – From a Cat

Hey Einstein, Dear Einstein, I don’t know what happened. One minute I was having the time of my life ripping up the couch and the next minute I’m waking up and my feet feel like they’re on fire. It’s been a week and it doesn’t burn as bad now, but those huge paper pellets my […]

Declawing – From a Vet

If you are considering declawing your cat, please read this. It will only take a moment, and it will give you valuable information to help you in your decision. First, you should know that declawing is pretty much an American thing, it’s something people do for their own convenience without realizing what actually happens to […]