Bones Would Rain from the Sky
Clearly an animal lover, Clothier opens this training manual by recalling her childhood, when she pretended she was a dog.
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Clearly an animal lover, Clothier opens this training manual by recalling her childhood, when she pretended she was a dog.
The Other End of the Leash begins with an eloquently simple premise: “All dogs are brilliant at perceiving the slightest movement that we make, and they assume each tiny movement has meaning.”
Pity the poor pup, so loyal and faithful, who gets stuck with a clueless owner. What’s a dog to do? Talk to Dear Gabby, of course, that sagest of canines.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Tuesday signed one of the nation’s toughest laws on pet sterilization, requiring most dogs and cats to be spayed or neutered by the time they are 4 months old.
A common disease that is seen in many pet fish is called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, also known as Ich. Ich is caused by a protozoan organism that is currently one of the most common parasites to infect fish.
Cunning and persistent, lively and gregarious, ferrets have become popular household pets. But owning a pet ferret is not always fun and games. They require just as much care and attention as a dog or a cat, as well as proper diet and adequate housing.
Not everybody wants or needs a pedigree dog. That’s one of the reasons why mixed breed dogs have always been (and most likely will remain) so popular among dog lovers. These dogs are truly one-of-a-kind with individual markings, personalities and qualities all their own.
When It Hurts to Move: Helping Your Arthritic Dog Cut the Fat Jenifer Merchant-Sullivan Sheba, a Labrador retriever/shepherd mix, started “filling out” when she was just two years old, but it wasn’t until she hit midlife that her owner realized the seriousness of Sheba’s gradual but continuous weight gain. At age seven, Sheba suffered a […]
When a dog is anxious, she will often quickly stick out her tongue and lick her lips. It’s usually just a fast, little flick. Watch your dog; this is one of the most common sign.
Thornton Penny, a Shih Tzu-poodle mix, was increasingly forgetful, often coming into a room and then being unable to find her way out. She slept during the day, wandered at night and showed little interest in eating. A visit to her veterinarian, Robin Downing of Windsor, Colo., found no obvious reason such as an ulcer […]